Accounting from A to Z at Accomodo

Contact us

Pick up the phone and give us a ring or send us an email, so we can have a no-obligation and informal chat about your needs and the possibilities we can offer.

Phone: 51 71 50 50
E-mail: firmapost@accomodo.no
Facebook: @accomodo

Ingunn Fjetland

Managing director - Certified public accounant

Anne Einarsen

Senior accountant

Alf Fjetland

Certified public accounant

Thorvald Bringsjord

Senior Accountant

Gaute Pålhaugen Thrysberg

Gaute Pålhaugen Thrysberg

Certified public accounant

Duangchan Bringsjord

Junior Accountant

Svetlana Manina

Senior Accountant

Hanne Aamot

Certified public accounant

Kurt Jørgensen

Certified public accounant

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